The Infoteam method has already been known and appreciated by more than 160,000 participants and the concepts and tools have been implemented in over 3,500 companies.
In workshops and business coaching, I use these methods, concepts and tools to promote team collaboration, increase sales efficiency, and develop my customers’ sales approach into a unique selling point. Win more and better orders and customers in less time!
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The central tool from “Business Model Generation” is the “Business Model Canvas”. A good tool to visualize the customer’s business model. Experience shows that this tool, especially at C-level, generates attention among your customers and may even make it easier or even possible for you to access the management level.
To win the customer, you have to understand it. The very pictorial methods of design thinking show the correspondence of the needs of the customer and our services and products graphically. Sometimes even services are reinvented at the workshop.
Design thinking is based on the assumption that problems can be solved better if people from different disciplines work together in a creativity-enhancing environment, develop a common question, take into account people’s needs and motivations, and then develop concepts that are tested multiple times. The process is based on the work of designers, which is understood as a combination of understanding, observation, ideation, refinement, execution and learning. According to another understanding, design thinking means “any process that applies the methods of industrial designers to problems beyond how a product should look” (Wikipedia). The method I have developed has been optimized for business customer sales (B2B Sales).

With Dux-Soup, it’s easy to find, attract, and connect with your future customers on LinkedIn. Let Dux-Soup automate your LinkedIn lead generation so you can focus on growing your business and closing businesses. Dux-Soup is a robot that takes away a lot of your work. I myself use the “Turbo” version.
This link takes you directly to the Dux-Soup robot